Tyler Moncrieff
4 min readMay 31, 2021

In this blog post, I’ll be discussing the 5 steps I use that tend to keep my year on track. Not doing these steps is most likely the reason you’re depressed and/or not achieving your goals on time. I didn’t start using these steps until 2018, and I’ve achieved so much since then.

Keeping Your Year On The Right Track

Are you really ready to start changing your life for the better? Until 2018, I really wasn’t. Coming out of Pennsylvania State Prison at 320 pounds, my confidence was shot. Therefore, I was ready to roll over, accept my weight and hate myself forever. You don’t need to go through life hating yourself, you can change almost anything you want about yourself and that’s what I did.

Remember those years that seemed to just pass you by? You kinda just drifted through the year, eating like shit and making no plans. Think back, you can think of at least one year like that. In 2017 and 2018 I was working at Mcdonalds. I was literally going to work, playing video games, sleeping, and going back to work. All I was eating was Mcdonalds while I was working. I felt and looked like complete shit!

The Baby Steps To Live By

The biggest thing I forget to do is Breathe! Take 5 -10 minutes everyday to just breathe. This will make you more relaxed and will really help you find your peaceful place. You could also call this meditating, but I don’t want to scare anybody. The next step I do at work and not at home, for I am a bridge builder! Therefore, I exercise at work and use my weekends to rest up.

With mask requirements and needing to look hard while in prison, I forget this all the time! Remember to smile as often as you can! This will change your mood and the mood of others around you! This next step, I started doing recently and this blog post is actually a part of this step. You need to explore new hobbies! This blog really helps occupy some of my free time and keeps my wheels on the road to recovery.

Keeping Your Year On Track — Final Steps

Another step that will help you SO much is reaching out to SUPPORTIVE family and friends. Please don’t reach out to the most toxic person you know for support. You know who it is and you know that’s not a great idea. I like to reach out to my younger Sister or my older Brother for advice since they are close to my age group.

Be sure to MAINTAIN BALANCE IN YOUR LIFE! This is the most important step and the hardest to actually follow. Sure, you could call your most supportive family member/friend and talk the whole entire day away. But what happens when talking to them causes you to skip working out, meal prepping, and cleaning the house? You must ask yourself if missing those events were worth it and if not, you didn’t maintain a healthy balance that day.


These steps are not hard are at all! They could almost all be put on an event calendar! Working out could be a routine, meal prepping could happen right after the shower if you have the time. You could make a dedicated time to just breathe for 5–30 minutes every single day, or you could breathe when you feel it’s needed the most. You don’t need to feel overwhelmed when looking at these little goals.

Once you get a routine going and utilize these steps every single day, you will feel amazing! In effect, you will lose weight, feel healthier mentally, and physically. The weight of anxiety you usually feel will wash right away, trust me! Do something about your life today!

